Google Map Reviews

Milovan Bogisic
Milovan Bogisic
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Very kind and professional team, good hotel and transport organization. I am very satisfied.
Marko Tomicic
Marko Tomicic
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This people are so professional, very kind and I suggest everyone to come here to visit!
Bozidar Bjelic
Bozidar Bjelic
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Hi, just to praise the clinic and the staff, starting with Selena, who welcomed and hosted me while I was in Istanbul, explained and was always there whatever the dabmi needed, the landlady who was maximally correct and pleasant, and the doctors who did a great job. I would recommend this clinic to anyone who has hair problems, I was in September 2021 and I am personally very satisfied. Pure ten. Call and you will not repent. :)))))) My hair has really grown, and I feel great now. For two recommendations.
Milovan Bogisic
Milovan Bogisic
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Very kind and professional team, good hotel and transport organization. I am very satisfied.
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Very satisfied with the whole procedure and very kind personal! Can’t wait for the final result. I can only recommend the clinic! TOP 👍
Marko Tomicic
Marko Tomicic
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This people are so professional, very kind and I suggest everyone to come here to visit!
Ediss C.
Ediss C.
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Very kind and professional team. I contacted a clinic, and I had it the best treatment, to start from contact person which gave me all the information I needed to make my decision, then hotel, transport, clinic, staff the whole service was of very high quality. I highly recommend this serious and very welcoming institution. I wrote this review after 3 months of intervention and I am already very satisfied.
Bozidar Bjelic
Bozidar Bjelic
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Hi, just to praise the clinic and the staff, starting with Selena, who welcomed and hosted me while I was in Istanbul, explained and was always there whatever the dabmi needed, the landlady who was maximally correct and pleasant, and the doctors who did a great job. I would recommend this clinic to anyone who has hair problems, I was in September 2021 and I am personally very satisfied. Pure ten. Call and you will not repent. :)))))) My hair has really grown, and I feel great now. For two recommendations.
Gian Marco Setzu
Gian Marco Setzu
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Professionals. Very good team. Hygiene is at the top. Very satisfied!! Highly recommended!!
Nicola Bacchilega
Nicola Bacchilega
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Hello, I discovered Serpil on line. I did the operation on Jenuary 2022 with my friend and I can tell I am extremely heppy with the results. Dolorenza was really kind and supportive during the operation and also after the operation always message us to check out how we were recovering. So after 3 month only I can see results so 5 starts to the tema that did the operations and the hotel, services etc.. I raccomando to get in touch with Dolorenza and she will explain everything in details. Thanks again to the whole tema that made this life change for me and my friends. Nicola
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It is with great pleasure and unfailing honesty that I share with you my testimony following the successful hair transplant and how it is. Indeed, it took a long time to make up my mind, crossing information gathered either from knowledge or opinions shared on social networks. And I contacted a clinic, and I have the most beautiful of surprises, the contact is an employee of the clinic who speaks perfect French 🙏 We talked, in fact she gave me all the information I needed to make my decision. Very committed to ethics, the transparency of information given on the transplant, therefore very effective. As soon as I was convinced, I went for it!
Robi Gajšek
Robi Gajšek
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am very satisfied with the whole process, They are very friendly and professional... They help you with everything you need.. In short, very good organization of the clinic as a whole.. I recommend!
Jaroslav Varga
Jaroslav Varga
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I recommend this modern Clinic with amazing experience and stuff!
 Dejan Ajlec
Dejan Ajlec
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Best experience ever! Top notch communication before and after the procedure. In the first session they transplanted 3800 grafts and in 6 months another session follows. Special thanks to Lauresa for all communication and explanation and a big thanks to the very professional surgical team! First photo is right after the procedure and the second photo after one week. I'm so happy I decided for this clinic, highest recommendation from my side?
grega k
grega k
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Very professional clinic, friendly and highly capable staff. All services provided was amazing, highly recommended.
Klas Kaligaric
Klas Kaligaric
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Very professional team and very good service. Definitely recomend!
 WAP Tattoo Art Studio
WAP Tattoo Art Studio
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Organizacija od prijevoza aerodroma do hotela , hotel, transplantacija i sve je puno vise bolje od očekivanog . Svaka preporuka ja sam prezadovoljan 😃
Antonio Rovis
Antonio Rovis
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Ukratko da podijelim moje iskustvo s Vama koji čitate i dvoumite se oko zahvata transplatacije kose.Definitivno odličan odabir klinike pogotovo zahvaljujući gospođi Saneli koja pruža neizmjernu podršku i koja mi je omogućila svojim informacijama i podrškom da svoju želju ostvarim.Profesionalnost i organizacija klinike su na visokoj razini i u sigurnim ste rukama.Još jedanput zahvaljujem se klinici i osoblju na odrađenom poslu.
Aco Jurić
Aco Jurić
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Spoštovano osebje klinike. Želim izraziti iskreno hvaležnost za izjemno strokovno in uspešno izvedeno presaditev las. Rezultati so presegli vsa pričakovanja, kar mi prinaša veliko zadovoljstvo. Hvaležen sem za vašo predanost in vrhunsko storitev, ki ste mi jo nudili. Vaša klinika je resnično vrhunska in jo bom z veseljem priporočil vsem, ki iščejo kakovostno obravnavo na področju presaditve las. Najlepša hvala še enkrat!
Francesco Blo
Francesco Blo
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Ho fatto l'intervento due giorni fa e posso già dire di essere assolutamente soddisfatto della scelta fatta; poi ovviamente i risultati si vedranno nel tempo. Sono stato seguito ed accolto splendidamente, dall'inizio alla fine: trasporti, hotel, consulenze ed affiancamento pre e post intervento, tutto perfetto. Rapporto qualità/prezzo veramente ottimo. Ringrazio di cuore tutto lo staff che è stato con me veramente gentile, professionale e sempre presente. Non esiterò in futuro a tornare in caso di bisogno. Unico rimpianto che mi rimane è non essere venuto prima!
Dario Giampa'
Dario Giampa'
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Serietà e competenza! Sono venuto due volte nel giro di 12 mesi, che dire... Consigliatissimo!!
Dino Kazazic
Dino Kazazic
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Uradio sam 06.12.2022 trasplataciju kose 06.12.2023 bila je godina dana i preeezadovoljan sam sa rezultatom preporucio bi svakome ko ima taj problem da se obrati ovoj klinici svaki cent se isplatio.Transport od aerodroma do Hotel i obratno,HOTEL ljubaznost,klinika,doktori sestre za 10🫶,Veoma bitna stvar slusati sta vam kazu i rezultat je zagarantovan !! 🥇
Josip Kutlesa
Josip Kutlesa
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Iskreno jako dobro iskustvo, a sve zahvaljući Saneli koja je bila moj kontakt kroz sve ovo vrijeme i dala svoj doprinos ovom zahvatu. Cijeli pristup je bio profesionalan i siguran. Klinika jako uredna, čista i ugodna. Cjena je bila ista kako smo se i dogovorili prije zahvata. Hvala Saneli i cijeloj ekipi na takvom pristupu jer se čovjek osjeća sigurnim.❤️
Albino Mauro
Albino Mauro
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Sono stato in questa clinica il giorno 18 settembre 2023, non ho parole per descrivere la mia gratitudine per loro. Sono stati attenti ad ogni minimo dettaglio da quando ho messo piede in Turchia, fino a quando non sono ripartito per casa. Clinica fantastica, pulita , personale gentilissimo ed attento, ti fanno sentire a tuo agio e come se fossi a casa. Nesli meravigliosa con noi! Sono veramente contento di aver scelto loro, e li consiglio a chiunque . Oggi a 5 giorni post operazione , posso anche dire che ho avuto 0 dolori . Semplicemente fantastici! Grazie di cuore ! 🇹🇷 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Francesco Saraceno
Francesco Saraceno
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Ottima esperienza, personale molto qualificato e assistenza h24. Ti seguono in tutto e per tutto. Consigliatissimo. Ho fatto il trapianto ieri e oggi sto davvero bene, aspettiamo qualche mese per i risultati
Roxhers Isa
Roxhers Isa
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Une jam shume I kenaqur per kete klinike Gjithçka e perkryer Njeres shum te mire punetore dhe te rrespektueshem ju garantoj te gjithe Shqiptaret qe kane nevoje per transplant flokesh te vini ketu sepse nuk do zgjenjeheni.
philippe becuwe
philippe becuwe
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Une équipe à l attention du client très professionnel je ne regrette pas mon choix je conseille à toute personne hésitante. Je suis très satisfait du resultat
Petros Zisos
Petros Zisos
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Εξαιρετική ιατροί και το προσωπικό ήταν όλοι επαγγελματίες πολύ ευγενική και το αποτέλεσμα της μεταμόσχευσης Εξαιρετικο !!
Thierry Folny
Thierry Folny
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J'étais hésitant,je voulais faire cette greffe depuis plusieurs années. Je me suis décidé avec la clinique Serpil Asan Hair Clinic. Alors je recommande vivement, j'ai eu tous les renseignements nécessaires pour cette intervention avec mon interprète au top toujours disponible pour les questions et réponses médicales dont on a besoin pour une greffe, et d'une très grande disponibilité. Accueil chaleureux au top👌 Transfert VIP da l'aéroport à l'hôtel,et pour le retour aussi,cet hôtel 5 étoiles est très bien cela vous met déjà en confiance. Clinique, et Cabinet propre, moderne 👍👍 Toute l'équipe est à votre disposition,disponible, professionnelle ☺️ Si c'était à refaire j'irai les yeux fermés, vraiment au top Serpil Asam...
Steve Marchand
Steve Marchand
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Super prise en charge du début à la fin Personnel accueillant et toujours disponibles pour d éventuels questions que ce soit sur place ou lors du retour après opération Merci à vous 😉
nicolas gillet
nicolas gillet
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Clinique au top ✅️ j'ai été accompagné à chaque étape, Sobha est très disponible. L'ensemble des personnes travaillant à la clinique est au petit soin et très compétant !!! Pour l'avoir fait une première greffe de cheveux en France, je recommande très fortement cette clinique 👍👍👍
Valentin Merlini
Valentin Merlini
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Service très professionnel. Les indications sont claires, le tout est très bien organisé. L'interprète est à l'écoute et vous guide lors de tout le processus. La clinique est très propre et le personnel est super gentil et délicat. Après 3 semaines je suis déjà très satisfait du résultat. Je recommande le kit de produits proposé en option. Merci encore
Christophe Bauer
Christophe Bauer
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Très bon service ! Équipe et organisation très professionnelle ! Tout c est parfaitement bien déroulé, prestations de qualité avec un accompagnement francophone pour répondre au attent et pour un suivi personnalisé ! Je recommande !
Vincent Metrot
Vincent Metrot
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Je recommande cette clinique. Personnel au top avec un bon suivi, toujours à l'écoute avec une interprète qui réponds à vos attentes. Je dois y retourner l'année prochaine .
Jo H
Jo H
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Une experience fort agréable. Nous sommes du Canada et du moment de notre arrivé jusqu'au depart, tout se deroula comme prévu et promis. Pour la clinique et l'equipe, un service professionnel et chaleureux ! Je recommande fortement !
Imhof Pantelis
Imhof Pantelis
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Ich bin dort gewesen bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis! Ich würde gerne empfehlen!!!

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About Us

In our clinics and hospitals with high quality standards, with our professional operation teams, health consultant / translator staff working with an excellent service understanding; We realize the most natural and successful results with the target of 100% satisfaction.

In accordance with this purpose
*We have a staff of doctors, specialists, technicians and patient consultants with 10-25 years of experience.
*We perform successful operations in private clinics and hospitals equipped with the latest technology and highly sterile.
*You will get the most suitable natural look for you.
*Our private translator will accompany you from the moment you arrive in our country until the moment you return to your country. You will feel like you are in your country during the whole process.
*We provide lifelong health consultancy service.

serpil asam

About Hair Transplantation?

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Hair transplantation is a natural and permanent solution to the problem of thinning and baldness in people who experience hair loss or hair loss. The process of transferring the hair root seed to the area where the hair follicle is not active, baldness or thinning occurs with micro-surgical methods is called hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is planned individually and hair follicle seeds are taken from areas that are resistant to shedding, such as the nape, and hair follicles are transplanted with different methods by the person and his team who grow to the area with baldness or sparseness. With this application, it is aimed to have permanent and healthy hair as if their own hair has never been lost, both medically and aesthetically.

Dental Treatments

Teeth whitening is a popular treatment to enhance the brightness of your smile. Our clinic offers both in-office teeth whitening procedures and take-home kits with custom trays. During an initial consultation, our dental professionals will assess your specific needs and recommend the best teeth whitening option for you, ensuring safe and effective results.

The duration of the dental implant process can vary depending on individual cases. Typically, it involves multiple stages, including implant placement, osseointegration (the healing process where the implant fuses with the jawbone), and the placement of the final restoration. On average, the entire process can take several months, allowing for optimal healing and ensuring long-term success.

Yes, there are several alternatives to traditional metal braces. Invisalign clear aligners are a popular choice, offering a discreet and comfortable way to straighten teeth. Ceramic braces are another option, using tooth-colored brackets that blend with the natural color of your teeth. During a consultation, our orthodontic specialists will assess your specific needs and recommend the most suitable treatment option for you.

Dental insurance coverage varies depending on your specific insurance plan. Some dental treatments, such as preventive care and basic procedures like fillings and cleanings, are often covered. However, cosmetic treatments may have limited or no coverage. Our clinic's staff can help you navigate insurance policies and provide information on potential coverage for your dental treatments.

Maintaining good oral health after dental treatments is essential to prolong the longevity of your dental work. It is crucial to follow a regular oral hygiene routine, including brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash. Additionally, scheduling regular dental check-ups and cleanings at our clinic will allow our professionals to monitor your oral health, provide preventive care, and address any potential issues before they worsen.

Hair Transplantation

DHI hair transplant is called direct haır implants. It is preferred because it is more comfortable than other hair transplantation methods.

Choi medical pen is a very thin and pointed medical device, which, thanks to its special structure, hair follicles will be placed to choi medical pen then transplanted by pressing the special area behind it in the same way, without making any incisions.

Unshaved hair transplantation is a method of hair transplantation performed by shaving only the donor area without shaving the front, side and back parts of the hair or the entire hairy head area.

  • Since there is no suture during the operation, there is no risk of scarring afterwards.
  • There is no pain during the procedure and the recovery phase is shorter than other methods.
  • After the operation, starting from the 6th month, the hair starts to look good visually.
  • A permanent solution is achieved within 12 to 18 months after the operation.
  • Fue hair transplantation is a permanent solution to shedding and baldness, especially since it is made from healthy hair follicle seeds in the nape area.

It is possible to achieve permanent results with sapphire hair transplantation method for hair loss and thinning caused by both genetic factors and environmental factors in men and women from the past to this day.

Sapphire hair transplant; It is a hair transplantation technique using sapphire-tipped blades used together with the fue method. Thanks to these sapphire blades used, since the channels opened are more minimal, healing is faster at the same rate.

About Rhinoplasty?

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Rhinoplasty is the general name given to all procedures performed to change the shape of the nose. People may want to have rhinoplasty for different reasons. Rhinoplasty can be performed to correct birth defect, repair deformities or improve the physical appearance of the nose. Rhinoplasty is also performed to facilitate breathing. In some cases, there may be both visual and functional impairment. Before aesthetics, the structure of the nose should be well understood. There is bone in the upper part of the nose and cartilage in the lower part. The nose is covered with skin and has an important function for the respiratory system.


During rhinoplasty, the physician can change both the bone, the cartilage tissue and the skin layer. Only one of them can be changed. It is important to be in contact with the patient and understand their expectations when planning for rhinoplasty. It is necessary to have clear information about the patient's skin and what the individual wants to change. The physician determines whether the patient is suitable for rhinoplasty. A personalized plan must be made for the patient. All major surgeries bring some risks, such as nose surgery. It is necessary to accept the existence of bleeding, negative reaction to anesthesia and infection risks in rhinoplasty. However, it is necessary to know that there are different risks when it comes to rhinoplasty.

Risks after rhinoplasty include difficulty in breathing, an uneven nose, pain, discoloration, permanent swelling, scarring, and a permanent numbness in and around the nose. In such a case, the patient may need to receive additional surgical intervention. Before the operation, the patients are informed about the possible risks by the nose surgeon. The interview between the doctor and the patient before the planning of rhinoplasty is very important in this respect. During the interview, it is necessary to obtain information about the patient's medical history. It is important to understand what the patient's goal is. The patient should explain his/her expectations clearly, clearly and honestly to the physician. The physician should also inform the patient about what he can achieve after the operation.

Before rhinoplasty, the physician requests various blood tests from the patient. Apart from lab tests, physical examination should also be done. Before rhinoplasty, facial features and the inside and outside of the nose should be examined. Thanks to this review, it will be understood what changes need to be made. Physical examination is especially important for understanding the effects on respiration. The physician can take a picture of the patient's nose before the operation. In this way, necessary help can be obtained from the computer on what kind of appearance should be expected at the end of the operation, through the photograph. The nose surgeon will also use this photo for before and after. These photos are important for long-term reviews and reference.

It is important to avoid medications for at least two weeks before surgery. The use of drugs can lead to increased bleeding. Only the drugs recommended by the nose doctor should be used. You should also avoid herbal remedies, supplements, and natural remedies. If you smoke, stop smoking. When you smoke, you slow down the healing process after surgery. It also increases the chance of getting an infection.

There are no sequential stages during rhinoplasty. Customization should be made in accordance with the patient's goals and unique anatomy. The more complex the surgery, the more appropriate the type of anesthesia should be determined. General anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation may be required. This decision will already be made by the physician before the surgery. Local anesthesia with sedation is generally used during outpatient treatment and covers a certain part of the body. Before the operation, the healthcare team injects a pain reliever into the nasal tissue and the area is calmed. This medicine does not make the person sleepy, but the person may become drowsy. In general anesthesia, the drug is taken from the vein through the IV line. This anesthesia affects the whole body and the patient will not be conscious during the operation. If general anesthesia is to be used, a breathing tube is also required.

Internal dressings remain in place until 7 days after rhinoplasty. In the meantime, the physician may apply splint taping to provide support and protection. The tape stays in place for up to a week. The patient should rest on the bed with his head higher in order to reduce possible swelling and bleeding after the surgery. The patient can sleep with 2 to 4 pillows. Swelling may occur in the nose. Therefore, the patient may complain of nasal congestion after the operation. After the operation, the blood usually accumulates with mucus continues to flow. Small gauze is placed under the nose to absorb the drainage. However, this pad should not be tight at all. The surgeon will inform the patient about the precautions to be taken in order to minimize swelling and bleeding.

The first thing to consider after rhinoplasty is to avoid strenuous activities such as running and aerobics. When there is a bandage on the nose, it is definitely inconvenient to take a bath where the water flows from above and blow the nose. The nose should not be blown. In order to prevent constipation, people should consume fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber. In addition, excessive facial expressions should not be made. It is necessary to be slow while brushing so that the upper lips move less. Again, it is important to choose clothes such as shirts that open from the front in order not to strain the nose. Sunglasses should not rest on the nose for at least 4 weeks after the operation. When people go out, they can use sunscreen creams with a factor of at least 30. Too much sun exposure can cause permanent discoloration of the nasal skin.

Symptoms of swelling and discoloration of the eyelids may occur after nose surgery. This situation is considered normal and these problems disappear after an average of 2 weeks. It usually takes more time for the nasal swelling to go down. It is necessary to pay attention to nutrition after rhinoplasty. Sodium should be avoided and nasal swelling should be reduced. It is helpful to take a week off from work and school after the surgery.

What Are the Results of Rhinoplasty?

The results of rhinoplasty allow the person to achieve the desired appearance when the surgery is successful. It is necessary to know that rhinoplasty surgeries are challenging. The nose is in the middle of the face and it is a mixed shape, so it should not be expected to complete the operations easily. Even simple touches during surgery provide great results. However, it should not be forgotten that the margin of error is high for small changes. It should not be forgotten that the nose will continue to change after the surgery. This applies to the rest of the body. The answer to the question of when the nose will reach its desired shape after surgery cannot be given easily. This period may be different for each patient. It can be a long process for the nose to become the desired one. The person must be able to afford this process. Patients do not have swelling problems within one year after the operation. However, in some cases of rhinoplasty, there may be situations where people need to be operated again. In this case, experienced and knowledgeable physicians should be preferred.


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+90541 903 60 75


İçerenköy, Üsküdar-İçerenköy Cd. No:8, 34752

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