Although hair transplantation is considered a surgical procedure, it is not as difficult and high-risk as other surgical operations. Local anesthesia is usually applied before the hair transplant operation. With the help of a needle, a substance that will provide numbness is injected into the area where local anesthesia will be transplanted. Thus, the patient does not feel any pain and pain during the procedure. However, in some cases, the person’s fear of needles does not dare to have the hair transplant procedure, even if they want to have it very much, or they rarely leave the procedure halfway because they do not want to experience the same fear for the second time because the local anesthesia application needs to be renewed during the operation. Thanks to the innovations developed, the local anesthesia applied for hair transplantation is made much easier or the hair transplantation operation is performed with sedation in a semi-asleep state. Anesthesia, which is applied in painless hair transplantation, is performed with pressure needle-free devices or sedation. Those who have fear of needles, blood or those who are in a high state of panic may prefer painless hair transplantation to avoid the fear of pain and suffering. An average of 20% of those who want to have a hair transplant have a fear of needles. For those who are afraid of needles, numbness is achieved by applying fluid under the skin under pressure, or sedation is given with medication and air, and the hair transplant operation is performed in this way.
Painless Hair Transplant Steps
Hair transplantation stages vary according to the method applied. The stages we will talk about include how hair transplantation is basically done. The stages of hair transplantation are respectively;
- Preparation phase
At this stage, the patient is being prepared for the hair transplant operation. All the necessary tests have been done beforehand and its suitability for hair transplantation has been finalized. The hairline is drawn according to the hairy image determined during the planning stage, and if shaving is required according to the method, the hair is shaved or the person can perform this procedure before coming to the clinic.
- Application of anesthesia
At this stage, the anesthesia application to be made according to the patient and the method to be applied is determined. Hair transplant operations are usually performed with local anesthesia. General anesthesia is not used in hair transplantation procedures. General anesthesia is not applied because it provides a complete sleepiness and has side effects. Because hair transplantation is not a surgical procedure as severe as general anesthesia. A very small amount of pain may be felt when local anesthesia is applied with a needle, but this situation passes within seconds with the effect of anesthesia. For those who have a fear of needles, new approaches are applied. The methods applied for anesthesia are;
- Local anesthesia with pressure
In the pressurized anesthesia method, which is a method developed to reduce the pain felt during local anesthesia with a needle, the anesthetic is injected into the skin with a pressurized device. The anesthetic is released when the pressurized device comes into contact with the skin, and then local anesthesia is applied with a needle without feeling any pain. Pain is not felt at this stage.
- Sedated anesthesia
Sedation is an anesthesia method used in surgical procedures, even in children. Anesthesia with sedation is performed by intravenous or respiratory route. At this point, the most important thing to note is that this procedure should be performed by a specialist anesthesiologist. In the sedation process, there is no loss of consciousness, semi-drowsiness and calmness are created, so pain is not felt.
- Collection of hair root seeds
At this stage, a determined number of hair follicle seeds are collected from the patient anesthetized with anesthesia. The method may vary in the products used according to the method of hair transplantation, but basically, the collection stage of healthy hair follicle seeds from the donor area is the same in all hair transplantation methods.
- Opening channels
The next stage after the collection of hair root seeds is the opening of the channels. At this stage, channels are opened according to the number of hair follicle seeds to be planted in the balding area, according to the direction of hair growth and according to the determined hairline. This stage is the most important stage that affects the result of the hair transplant operation. Because opening the channels at the right angle and depth ensures the healthy attachment and growth of the hair follicles.
- Placement of hair root seeds
The last stage is the planting of the hair root seeds collected in the opened channels. Hair follicle seeds are placed in the opened channels in line with the hairline and according to the desired hairy image. Generally, single roots are placed in the front parts and more hair follicles are placed in the back to provide a natural appearance. This stage of hair transplantation is very important for obtaining the expected hairy look. Hair root seeds should be placed correctly and firmly so that the roots can hold and grow.
Who Is The Painless Hair Transplant Method Suitable For?
Not all specialists who perform hair transplant surgery want their patients to suffer. They use their manual dexterity and abilities for this. However, it is an easy surgical procedure.
lsa is a process in which needles and sharp knives are used. The only pain point in the hair transplant procedure is the anesthesia application phase. No pain is felt after anesthesia is applied. However, since this anesthesia is administered with a needle, a little pain is felt. New methods have been developed to perform the highly desired hair transplant operation, especially for more emotional female patients, those with a fear of needles or those with a pain threshold. In this way, painless hair transplantation is applied to those who are afraid of needles, those who are in a state of panic, those who want to spend the long procedure without getting bored, women and those with a low pain threshold.
Recovery Process Of Painless Hair Transplant Technique
The painless hair transplant method offers patients the opportunity to have a comfortable procedure without pain during the hair transplant operation. The expected result after the painless hair transplantation process varies in time depending on the method applied. In general, it takes 12 to 18 months to get clear results after hair transplantation. After the 6th month after the procedure, the appearance of the hair begins to appear clearly, but it may take more than 1 year to get the clear result. This process may be shorter or longer from person to person, it is all about your compliance with what you need to pay attention to after the hair transplant operation.
Advantages Of Painless Hair Transplantation Method
The advantages of painless hair transplant operation are;
- There is no anesthesia applied with a needle,
- There is no pain and feeling of pain,
- A comfortable hair transplant process is undergoing,
- It can be applied to the entire area of the head,
- The effect time of anesthesia is longer,
- Those who have a fear of needles and have a low pain threshold can have a hair transplant operation,
- You can complete the long hair transplant operation period without realizing it.