Hair transplantation is the process of experiencing hair loss in the hairy head area as a result of genetic factors or an accident and the placement of hair follicle seeds from the donor area to this balding part. The donor area is usually chosen as the nape part that is resistant to hair loss. It is carried out by collecting a determined number of healthy hair follicle seeds from the nape area under local anesthesia and then transferring them to the bald area to be planted. The methods of hair transplantation may vary according to the conditions of the patient. The procedure, which was first applied by a Japanese doctor in the 1930s, has reached a very advanced point in 2022. Hair transplantation operations using different methods and materials vary according to the size of the patient’s hair transplantation area, the number of hair follicle seeds to be transplanted and personal preferences.

While a certain number of daily hair loss is considered normal, the excess of this number and the occurrence of regional baldness after a certain period of time can be permanently corrected by hair transplantation. In case of sparse and baldness, the way not to have to experience this situation visually is hair transplantation. In some cases, regional hair loss is experienced as a result of injuries and accidents, which causes the person to be psychologically affected negatively. In such cases, a permanent and natural solution can be found with hair transplantation.

What Are The Hair Transplantation Methods?

There are different methods in hair transplant operation. Thanks to the technology and medicine that has developed since the first hair transplantation process, these methods are carried out in a very professional way today. Changes are made in the methods according to the age of the person, personal preference and the size of the spill. Thanks to the unshaven hair transplantation method, which was developed to prevent women from choosing hair transplantation due to aesthetic concerns, it is possible to easily transplant women without shaving their hair. FUE, DHI, ICE FUE, Sapphire FUE, completely unshaven hair transplantation methods, which are formed by the development of the FUT method, which is one of the provincial methods, are some of the hair transplantation methods applied.

Follicular Unit Extraction (Fue) Hair Transplant Method

Fue hair transplantation is among the most preferred methods worldwide. While the FUT method was one of the first to be applied, a horizontal trace left in this method causes it to be no longer preferred. FUE hair transplantation method, which is the most common method developed after the FUT method, is among the methods with the best results. The stages of FUE hair transplantation are;

Dhi Hair Transplantation (Direct Hair İmplantation) Method

Direct hair transplantation method, also known as DHI, has recently become one of the most preferred methods. DHI hair transplantation method, which is applied with special medical products and a special method, is also a method preferred by women. Since regional shaving is performed in this method, it is preferred by women easily. In the sowing process, which lasts between 10 and 12 hours, natural and permanent results are achieved between 6 and 12 months. DHI hair transplantation method is applied with a special medical pen called choi. The process begins with the determination of the donor area and the application of local anesthesia, and the collection of hair follicle seeds with the help of a special choı medical pen. Unlike the FUE method, this method does not require grooving to place the hair follicle seeds. The hair follicles collected during the hair root seed collection stage are placed by applying light pressure to the area to be transplanted, thanks to the same choi pen. During the DHI hair transplantation process, between 2500 and 3500 hair follicle seeds can be transplanted on average.

Ice Fue (Follicular Unit Extraction) Method

The method is similar to the FUE hair transplant method in terms of application steps. However, hair root seeds are kept in a special solution during the process. This ensures that the hair follicles grow healthier and are permanent. Ice FUE hair transplantation begins with numbing the donor area with local anesthesia. Healthy hair follicle seeds are collected from the matched donor area and kept in a special solution throughout the collection process. The next step is to open the channels where the hair follicle seeds will be placed. Hair root seeds, which are kept in a special solution, are carefully placed in the opened channels and the process is completed. Since this solution contains the substances needed by the hair follicles, the seeds of the hair follicles placed in the canals adhere better and grow healthier and permanent at the same rate.

Sapphire Fue Hair Transplant Method

Sapphire FUE hair transplantation method is the material development of the FUE hair transplantation method. The process is exactly the same as the stages of the Fue method. However, special sapphire-tipped blades are used in the Sapphire fue hair transplant method. Contrary to popular belief, knives made of a special material are used, not sapphire found in nature. The peculiarity of these sapphire blades is that the channels opened during the hair transplant operation are much smaller due to the very thin and sharp tip structure. Thus, the recovery time of the hair transplant procedure is shortened. The process generally takes between 3 and 6 hours and according to the need, between 2500 and 4500 hair follicle seeds can be planted.

Unshaven Hair Transplant Method

Although hair transplantation is not as difficult as other surgical operations, it is a surgical procedure as a result. During the procedure, it is expected to heal for a certain period of time after the incisions are made in the balding head area and the hair follicle seeds are planted. This stage does not create an aesthetically pleasing situation, especially for women. Although fewer women have hair loss problems than men, women also experience hair loss as a result of genetic predisposition or accident. Thanks to the unshaven hair transplantation process developed at this stage, women can have hair transplantation without aesthetic concerns. In the method preferred for hair transplantation, which is usually done in smaller areas, hair follicles are collected from a small area on the back of the head and transferred to the area where the shedding occurs without shaving.

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