Male pattern hair loss, namely androgenetic alopecia, is associated with those who are genetically prone to hair loss and male hormone sensitivity. Hair loss, which usually starts at a young age, is observed as regression of the anterior hairline and opening in the crown area in later ages.

Male pattern hair loss, especially in men, is psychologically unhappy and causes self-confidence problems. Hair transplantation provides a permanent solution to patients who cannot get results from the treatments applied for hair loss. Turkey is among the leading countries in the field of hair transplantation. Men who have hair loss problems can find a permanent solution to baldness in Istanbul hair transplant centers.

At What Age Does Androgenetic Alopecia Begin?

Male pattern hair loss usually begins between the ages of 20-30. 30% of male pattern hair loss is seen in 30s and 50% in 50s. Male pattern hair loss is also seen in women. Male pattern hair loss starts between the ages of 20-30 in men and 50-60 in women.

What Is The Cause Of Androgenetic Alopecia?

The reason for male pattern hair loss is usually genetic predisposition and decrease in male hormones. With the effect of the hormone dihydrotestosterone on the hair follicle, the diameter of the hair becomes smaller, the length becomes shorter, and the color begins to lighten and turn white. With the advancement of age, hair follicles completely disappear and baldness begins. After the hair follicles are completely destroyed, hair does not grow in that area again.

What Are The Symptoms Of Androgenetic Alopecia?

There are many symptoms of androgenetic alopecia, that is, male pattern hair loss. In male pattern hair loss, the hair starts to thin first, then the front hairline is pulled back and openings begin in the crown area. The symptoms of male pattern hair loss are;

How Is Androgeneticalopecia Diagnosed?

A comprehensive examination is required to understand male pattern hair loss. The patient is pre-examined by a dermatologist and, if necessary, dermoscopic examination is also performed. A blood test is then applied to look at the hormone level. Whether the patient has a family history of baldness or not also helps in making the diagnosis. In dermoscopic examination, the structure of the patient’s hair and the structure of the hair follicle are examined.

What Causes Hair Loss?

There are many factors that cause hair loss in both men and women. The reasons for hair loss are;

How Is Androgenetic Alopecia (Male Pattern Hair Loss) Treated?

The main purpose of male pattern hair loss treatment is to reduce the rate of shedding and slow down the progression. By regulating the hormonal imbalance due to aging, the duration of hair loss is reduced and extended. Medication and hormone therapy are used to reduce and slow down the spills.

What Is Used In The Treatment Of Male Pattern Hair Loss?

There are two different drugs used for male pattern hair loss. Minoxidil, which is used as a lotion, is a proven drug worldwide.

Oral finasteride is a very successful drug in long-term use. This drug has some side effects, usually hair loss starts again after the drug is stopped. Due to side effects, drugs should be used under the supervision of a doctor.

There are some drugs that have been proven to be effective but not approved. The doctor decides which drug to use for hair loss.

Other methods used to treat hair loss are hair transplantation and the use of prosthetic hair. Hair transplantation is the most effective and permanent method.

Can Androgenetic Male Pattern Hair Loss Be Prevented?

The rate of male pattern hair loss is reduced by drug treatment and the life span of the hair is extended. After the age of 20, the hair follicles begin to weaken and shed in men with a genetic predisposition. When the hair starts to fall out, it is necessary to see a specialist before it’s too late to prevent shedding.

What Should Be Paid Attention To Androgenetic Type Alopecia?

Those who experience male pattern hair loss usually need to protect their scalp from the effects of the sun when they begin to experience openings in the crown area.

How Many Hairs Are Shed Per Day?

Losing 50 to 100 strands of hair in daily life is considered normal. It is not normal if more than 100 hairs are shed daily for a few weeks. This type of hair loss is more common in women. The excess of hair loss in men may not be noticed at first because they usually have short hair. Pay attention to how much hair is shed when washing and combing your hair. In this way, you can notice when the shedding in your hair increases.

What Is Done In Hair Loss Treatment?

In order to treat hair loss, first of all, it is necessary to find the cause of the hair loss. After the cause of hair loss is found, the treatment method is determined according to the cause. After the main cause of hair loss is determined, drug treatment is started. Hair transplantation is applied to patients with advanced hair loss problems that do not result in drug treatment.

What Kind Of Tests Are Applied For Hair Loss?

When there is a problem of hair loss, the first thing to do is to consult a specialist dermatologist. The diagnosis of hair loss is usually made after a comprehensive examination in the clinical setting.

The intensity of hair loss and the areas in which it occurs are determined by dermoscopic tests or hair pulling test.

What Is Hair Pulling Test And How Is It Done?

One of the tests applied to understand the extent of hair loss is the hair pull test. Thanks to this test, it is calculated how much hair is lost on average at one time. The application of the hair pull test is quite simple.

Some hair of the patient who has hair loss problem is kept and it is started to be pulled without too much effort. The number of hair shedding as a result of pulling is determined and these hair follicles are examined under a microscope.

In some patients, the scalp, root diameter and structure of the new hair are examined by dermoscopic examination. In this way, it can be determined whether the patient has male pattern hair loss.

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