Recovery and getting clear results after hair transplantation is a long process. Patients need to be patient and careful in this process. There are many factors that affect the success of hair transplantation. However, in order for the result of a successful operation to be successful, it is very important for the patient to follow all the instructions after the procedure. There are operations in which unsuccessful results are obtained due to the carelessness of the patient in the procedures that are not a problem in practice. In order not to encounter such an end, you should know and apply in detail what should be considered after the hair transplant operation.
Turkey is very successful in hair transplantation. In Istanbul hair transplantation clinics, a support program is applied for patients after the operation and all information about the process is given to the patients in detail. After the operation, you can solve everything that comes to your mind by contacting your clinic.
What Are The Suggestions After Hair Transplantation?
It is very important for the success of your operation to pay attention to the recommendations of your doctor after hair transplantation. Some suggestions after hair transplantation are;
- Since the effect of local anesthesia will wear off after the operation, slight pain may be felt, this is normal. To prevent this, you can use painkillers recommended by your doctor.
- Since the canals are in the form of open wounds immediately after the operation, there may be bleeding in the form of leakage. If this amount is residual and the bleeding does not stop, contact your doctor immediately.
- Antibiotic drugs are given against the risk of infection after hair transplantation. You should use these drugs completely.
- Medicines should not be used other than your doctor’s recommendation. If you want to use it, you should first ask your doctor for approval.
- After hair transplantation, you can take additional vitamin and mineral supplements for healthier hair. Consult your doctor before use.
- Supportive treatments such as PRP and hair mesotherapy are recommended 1 month after the hair transplant operation. These treatments provide better adhesion of hair follicles and increase the success rate of hair transplantation.
- After hair transplantation, the hair in the front area is 6-12 months, the hair in the crown area is 9-18. It gives results in a month. You must be patient for this period to complete.
- Clothes such as wide-collared shirts should be preferred for at least 15 days after the operation.
- It can be shaved with scissors 6 months after the operation.
- You should pay attention to your diet and consume plenty of water.
What Are The Post-Operation Instructions?
There are some instructions that must be strictly followed after hair transplant operations. If you follow these instructions, your hair transplant will be successful. The things that must be strictly followed after hair transplantation are;
- Hand contact should never be applied to the transplanted area after hair transplantation.
- Do not hit the area after hair transplantation, try not to hit your head,
- For the first week, you should keep your head upright and not make sudden movements. This is very important to avoid edema.
- The first wash in the hair transplant operation is done by the doctor on the 2nd or 3rd day. The patient does the next washes. You have to be slow and careful at this stage. Washing water should not be too hot or too cold, and warm water should be used.
- The lotions and shampoos provided are very important for your healing process and should be used regularly.
- You should definitely not do sports for the first 15 days, then you can start light-paced walks.
- You should not smoke or use alcohol until your doctor approves.
- Since sweating affects the operation negatively, heavy sports should not be done and should not be exposed to direct sun.
- You should stay away from wet and humid places such as baths, pools, saunas.
- You should lie on your back with a 45-degree angle for at least 15 days, and you should not sleep with pressure on the donor area and the transplanted area.
- Hair dryer, gel, spray should not be used for at least 1 month.
How Many Days Should Be Paid Attention After Hair Transplantation?
The most important period of hair transplantation is the first 1 week period. During this period, the patient should rest as much as possible and keep his head upright. At least 15 days should not move fast, heavy lifting should not be.
With regular washing and care of the hair, the channels heal within 15 days and the wounds crust over. After this period, you can slowly return to social life. However, you should continue not to do heavy sports and be careful while sleeping. You should use your medicines completely during the recovery process.
What Is Prohibited After Hair Transplantation?
Some rules that are prohibited and must be followed after hair transplantation are;
- Hand contact and pressure should not be applied to the planted area for at least 15 days,
- Sexual intercourse should be avoided until your doctor approves,
- It should not be exposed to direct sunlight,
- Accessories such as hats and berets that will make pressure should not be used,
- All activities that cause sweating should be avoided,
- Do not sunbathe, enter the solarium,
- Smoking and alcohol should not be used,
What Can Not Be Eaten After Hair Transplantation?
In order to recover faster after hair transplantation, you need to pay attention to your diet. I In order to prevent edema after the procedure, plenty of water should be consumed and salt use should be reduced. What should not be consumed after the operation;
- Animal foods such as milk, yogurt, kefir,
- Carbohydrate,
- Pastries and fries,
- Processed products such as salami, sausage, sausage,
- Fermented products such as pickles and vinegar,
- Alcoholic and acidic beverages,
- Refined sugar,
How Many Times A Day Is The Newly Transplanted Hair Washed?
The first wash after the operation is done by the specialist in the clinical environment. This stage requires a lot of attention. In the first wash where special lotions and shampoos are used, the hair follicles are treated slowly and gently so that they are not damaged. The first wash after the operation is usually done on the 2nd or 3rd day.
The patient does the washing after the first washing process. How to wash and the products to be used are explained to the patient in detail. After the first wash, washing should be done regularly once a day for 10-15 days. During washing, special lotions and shampoos should be used, and washing should be carried out by gently massaging without pressure.
Why Does The Transplanted Hair Not Hold?
Hair transplant operations are aesthetic surgical procedures that should be performed by dermatologists or plastic surgeons who are experts in this field. Every surgical procedure has risks, albeit small ones. One of the risks in hair transplant operations is that the transplanted hair follicles cannot adhere. Unattached hair follicles cause the operation to fail.
The reasons for not holding the hair in hair transplantation are;
- The operation is performed by a physician who is not competent enough,
- Insufficient depth of the opened channels,
- Incorrect placement of hair follicles,
- Excessive damage to the tissue during the channel opening phase,
- Infection in the area due to not using the necessary drugs or the non-sterile environment
- The patient’s application of pressure to the area after the operation causes the hair follicles to not adhere.