Rhinoplasty surgeries can be performed after the age of 18 in men and 17 in women. These surgeries not only provide the nose with an aesthetic appearance, but also eliminate some problems such as breathing difficulties. One of the most striking areas during social communication is the nose. How the nose looks affects the image of the person. For rhinoplasty, people often prefer the natural look. To achieve this appearance, procedures such as nose lifting, nose rasping and arched nose correction can be applied. Before these surgeries are performed, the nose can be seen in 3D, making it easier for the person to decide.
What is the Duration of Rhinoplasty Surgery?
Rhinoplasty surgery takes approximately 1 to 2 hours. If the surgery is secondary or more complicated, the duration may be longer. In order for the patients to be comfortable, anesthesia may be required before the Rhinoplasty surgery. Rarely, surgeries can be performed with sedation. For the operation to be performed, the nose structure must be developed. Especially young people who are in adolescence can be affected psychologically negatively due to the structure of their noses. In the presence of such a situation, you can take your child to the doctor and find out whether he is suitable for surgery.
How is the Recovery Process in Rhinoplasty Surgery?
Recovery in rhinoplasty surgery is not immediate. It takes at least 1 week for people to return to their normal lives. It would not be right to enter social life before this period. After the surgery is over, plaster and bands are placed on the patient’s nose. Plaster and tapes are removed after an average of 1 week. After the operation, the patient may experience swelling and bruising. Swelling and bruises disappear within 10 days. It is not possible for the nose to take its full shape immediately after rhinoplasty. It is necessary to wait for a while for the nose to take its final shape. After the plaster is removed from the nose, the aesthetic nose will appear. However, it is not possible for the nose to take its final shape before 1 year passes. Since there will be no swelling and bruising in the nose, the daily life of the people will not be adversely affected even before the nose takes its final shape.
Is It Possible to Fix Failed Rhinoplasty Surgeries?
There may be unsuccessful rhinoplasty surgery. The main goal in surgeries is to achieve a result that is compatible with the patient’s face, looks natural and fulfills its function. The success of nose surgery depends on many different factors, such as the experience of the physician. Not every surgeon may have enough knowledge and experience to perform successful nose surgery. People who have had nose surgery before may want to have a nose surgery again in order to correct unsuccessful results. Patients become more anxious when they want a second nose surgery. However, it is possible to correct unsuccessful surgeries.
Are Rhinoplasty Surgeries Combined with Other Operations?
It is possible to perform combined rhinoplasty surgery. Other surgeries that can be combined can be listed as follows:
breast reduction,
breast enlargement,
fat removal,
gynecomastia etc.
Forehead, cheekbone and chin surgeries can also be successfully performed together with nose surgeries to ensure the golden ratio.
What is Nose Tip Aesthetics?
Nose tip aesthetics is one of the most performed procedures. The shape of the tip of the nose determines how the whole nose looks. Some deformities at the tip of the nose can lead to a bad appearance. Common nasal tip deformities include:
Nose tip lift,
The tip of the nose is longer than it should be,
Pointed nose tip,
The tip of the nose that looks compressed,
The tip of the nose is low,
In cases where the nostrils are not symmetrical with each other, nasal tip aesthetics may be required.
Nasal tip aesthetics is known as a sub-branch of rhinoplasty. In none of these operations, the bone part of the nose is not touched. The procedure is performed only with the soft tissue located at the tip of the nose. This is the reason why nasal tip aesthetics is easier than rhinoplasty surgeries.
How Are Rhinoplasty Surgeries Performed?
General anesthesia is usually required before rhinoplasty surgery is performed. In cases where small touches will be made, local anesthesia may also be required under the control of the surgeon. An average of 1 day is required for these surgeries. There are 2 different rhinoplasty techniques that are most preferred. In the first technique, a small incision is made between the nostrils and it is aimed to widen the surgeon’s field of view through this incision. If the person has advanced nose deformity or if this is the second operation of the patient, open surgery should be performed. If the open surgery technique is used, the healing process will be prolonged. In addition, edema, bruising and similar problems after the operation will be seen more.
What Should Be Considered After Rhinoplasty?
Things to be considered after rhinoplasty, you can spend the operation painlessly and comfortably. Pain is common after surgery. For this reason, it is necessary to apply painkillers for the patient before the effect of general anesthesia passes. The doctor will give you some medications to use after the surgery. It is important to use these drugs without interruption. It is not recommended to stand up between the first 4 hours and 6 hours after the operation. When you first stand up, you may encounter problems such as blackouts and dizziness. That’s why you need help from a relative. After the operation, blood may leak from the nose. This is completely normal. Although patients are not aware of it, they may be disturbed by the complaint of nausea due to this situation. In the first 6 hours after the surgery, if the patient does not have a problem of nausea, water can be drunk and a small amount of salty foods can be consumed.
Liquid nutrition is recommended in the first days after surgery. Patients may experience swelling and bruises, especially under the eyes, around the nose, and on certain parts of their faces. As the days pass, these complaints disappear. It is important to keep the pillows high in order to reduce the complaints. In addition, water should not be drawn into the nose in the first 15 days after the operation. It is normal for the nose to remain clogged after surgery. It is not recommended to use glasses for the first 6 months after the surgery.
Do Rhinoplasty Surgeries Prevent Breathing?
Breathing is definitely not prevented in rhinoplasty surgery. The purpose of these surgeries is to make the person breathe more easily. While obtaining an aesthetic nose, it is very important that the nose is functional at the same time. In order for the nose to be seen purely aesthetic, the functions of the nose should not be sacrificed. The mucous tissue covering the inside of the nose may swell and enlarge due to reasons such as allergies and smoking. These conditions may cause the patient to feel nasal congestion. In such a case, patients should be examined. If there are obstructive reasons, these reasons should be eliminated during the surgery. Otherwise, the air passage may narrow by 10 to 20 percent.
What Should I Do After Rhinoplasty?
Things to do after rhinoplasty can be listed as follows:
Do not hurt your nose while brushing teeth,
Rest in bed for a week after surgery,
You can wash your face without getting your dressings wet,
Do not wash hair for 1 week,
Do not make long phone calls,
You can apply ice and cold gels around the eyes and cheeks after rhinoplasty surgery,
Do not consume very hot foods,
Sleep with 2 or 4 pillows, not just one.
Make sure you don’t turn your head more than 45 degrees,
Do not do sports 2 weeks after the operation,
Do not have sexual intercourse
Do not chew very hard foods,