Hair loss is one of the most common problems. In order to solve hair loss permanently, the root cause of hair loss should be known. Once you understand what the problem is, it will be much easier to find the solution. Improper hair care in daily life is among the causes of hair loss. One of the factors underlying hair loss, daily incorrect hair care applications can also cause hair loss. The use of chemical shampoos, frequent hair dyeing, and frequent use of heat treatments such as blow dryers are among the reasons that cause hair to break and break. Combing wet hair can cause hair loss, as the elasticity of the hair increases when wet. Too tight collection of hair in daily life also causes hair loss called tractional alopecia in the forehead line. Hair loss is experienced due to the mistakes made in daily life like this.

Hereditary hair loss is one of the most common forms of hair loss. These spills are caused by genetic predisposition and andorogen, that is, male hormones. In the case of hereditary hair loss, especially the hairline is pulled back in men and openings are experienced at the top. In women, it is observed in the form of openings in the forehead line and thinning and thinning of the hair in the head area. This situation can be stopped or completely avoided by using some treatments and supportive dermocosmetic products. However, in some cases, permanent hair loss is experienced. After experiencing permanent hair loss, the only solution is hair transplant operation.

Not taking the protein, vitamins and minerals that the body needs in daily life and not drinking enough water are among the causes of hair loss and hair loss. In order for the keratin substance in the structure of the hair to be synthesized in the body, some proteins must be taken. Hair loss is experienced with the lack of keratin, which cannot be synthesized as a result of inadequate nutrition. There is a solution for hair loss caused by not eating enough due to the wrong diets applied, if attention is paid and necessary precautions are taken.

Although fungal diseases in the hairy area are mostly seen in children, they are also among the problems seen in adults. Hair loss is experienced due to fungal disease that clings to the hair. If hair loss is not treated, it causes permanent baldness.

Medicines used for the treatment of blood thinners, gout, depression, heart diseases and blood pressure diseases cause hair loss. Medicines used for bodybuilding also cause hair loss. Some people experience hair loss after stopping the use of birth control pills.

Hair loss (alopecia areata), an autoimmune disease, is seen when severe stressful situations are experienced. This disease, which is generally seen on the scalp, can be seen in the few, eyelashes and beards or in the whole body hair in some people. Due to factors such as genetic predisposition, neurological factors, infection and stress, the disease is triggered and regional oval-shaped hair loss is experienced in the body.

Stress causes the secretion of various hormones in the body and disrupts the internal balance. One of the side effects of the disturbed internal balance is hair loss. In some people, they pluck their own hair for psychological reasons. While these 7 diseases are called trichotillomania in medicine, this tendency causes hair loss in the hairy area intermittently. If left untreated, it causes permanent baldness.

Hair loss is frequently observed as a result of systemic diseases. Medicines used as a result of diseases cause hair loss. Some diseases with hair loss are;

Hair loss based on hormone changes, which is among the causes of hair loss, is mostly seen in women. Hair loss is a common problem, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth. Hormonal changes during pregnancy are resolved with the introduction of the hormone estrogen with childbirth. There is intense hair loss for a few months after giving birth, and if this period is prolonged, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Another hormonal change that causes hair loss is menopause. Hair loss experienced with menopause is unfortunately permanent and pre-menopausal hair density cannot be reached again.

The problem of iron deficiency, which is among the leading causes of hair loss, causes hair loss as a result of unbalanced nutrition and not taking enough iron-containing foods. Hair loss as a result of anemia, which is among the most common problems, is more common in women. While hair loss as a result of anemia is common, there is a solution to this problem if it is treated.

Loss experienced as a result of damage to hair follicles in certain areas of the scalp is called Cicatricial Alopecia. As a result of this disease, permanent damage occurs in the hair follicles, so hair does not grow again and permanent baldness occurs. Permanent solution is possible with hair transplantation.

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