After deciding to have a hair transplant operation, the most curious question of people is when the transplanted hair will grow. To give a general answer to this question, all of the transplanted hair grows within 12 to 24 months. However, an exact answer to this process is not possible because this process varies from person to person. Factors such as the hair transplantation method applied to the patient, nutrition, attention to hair care, the width of the planting area, smoking and alcohol use change the time of this process. In the continuation of our article, you can find answers to many of your questions.
What Should Be Considered In Hair Transplantation?
Hair transplant operation is a process that gives permanent results and should be taken seriously, therefore, some points should be considered before the procedure. The most important point in the operation is the selection of the right clinic and doctor. Thanks to this choice, you can have permanent and natural hair.
The things to be considered in hair transplantation are;
- Before the operation, a personalized planning should be made, not every method is applied to every patient, therefore, a personalized treatment method should be determined.
- The hairline determined before transplantation should be determined in a way that is most suitable for the patient and gives a natural result.
- Before the procedure, necessary measurements should be made to ensure how many hair follicles will be transplanted and whether the donor area can meet this requirement.
- Before the operation, the patient’s medical history should be learned and the necessary analyzes should be made to confirm the suitability for the operation.
- The patient should stop using substances such as cigarettes, alcohol and blood thinners within 7 days before the operation.
What Should Be Done After The Hair Transplant Operation?
A great responsibility awaits the patient in the process after hair transplantation. In order to achieve healthy and permanent hair at the end of the process, this process must be managed correctly.
Before and after the hair transplantation process, both the clinic staff and the specialist doctor should make the necessary explanations to the patient in detail and share all the information. Being in contact with the patient throughout the process gives the patient a feeling of confidence and comfort, so the patient should share everything that comes to mind with the doctor and clinic.
Hair care after hair transplantation is the most important stage of the process. The more accurate this care process is, the higher the success of the hair transplant operation will be.
Some of the things to do and pay attention to after the hair transplant operation are;
- After the hair transplant operation, the transplanted area should be protected against impacts and should never be touched by hand. Since there are open wounds in the area as a result of hand contact, there is a risk of infection.
- Medications given by the doctor should be used after the operation.
- After the procedure, attention should be paid to the washing instructions and recommended lotions, sprays and shampoos should be used.
- After the procedure, a balanced diet should be consumed, plenty of fluids should be consumed and vitamin supplements should be taken if necessary.
- Direct sunlight should not be taken after the operation, and moist and wet areas such as the sea, pool, Turkish bath, sauna should be avoided until the doctor approves.
- Accessories such as hats should not be used for a while after the operation.
- After the procedure, heavy sports should not be done until the doctor approves, and sweating should be avoided.
- Alcohol and cigarettes should not be used for a while after the hair transplant operation.
- Blood thinners should be used with the approval of a doctor.
How Long Does It Take To See The Result After Hair Transplantation?
Those who are considering hair transplantation are most curious about when they will get the permanent result after the procedure. Getting permanent results after hair transplantation is a long process.
The successful implementation of the operation, the method applied, the patient’s careful behavior after the procedure affect the healing process.
After the operation, eating a balanced diet, consuming plenty of fluids, following the washing instructions, using the prescribed medications both shortens the healing process and is among the factors that affect the success rate of the operation.
After the 6th month after the operation, the hair starts to grow and the final result is reached within 12 to 24 months.
What Is The One-Year Hair Transplant Process Like?
Hair transplant operation is a very long treatment, both in the process and in the subsequent results. Hair transplant operation takes an average of 6-10 hours. It takes 12-24 months to get the results after the hair transplant operation. Since it is a long process, patients should be patient during this time. If you are informed about every innovation they will experience after the procedure, you can spend this process more calmly. In order to learn the necessary information, ask all your questions to your specialist and learn.
The most challenging period of the hair transplant operation is the first 7 days. In this process, you may feel some pain until the opened channels heal, you can use painkillers given by your doctor to suppress this pain. you are hereditary.
The channels opened in the first 15 days after the operation begin to heal and the crusts are poured in the form of dandruff. During this period, washing as recommended and using the lotion and shampoo provided will affect the healing process. Try to follow your doctor’s recommendations completely.
Shock shedding occurs in the 3rd and 4th months after the operation. Don’t be alarmed by this, this is a normal phase. Shedding hair will grow back later.
In the 6th month after the operation, the shed hair will start to grow again. Although the hair may seem thin at first, it will start to get stronger and thicker over time.
In the 9th month of the operation, 60% of the transplanted hair becomes visible. It is considered normal to lose 5% of the transplanted hair after transplantation.
Meat results of hair transplant operation last 12 to 24 months after the procedure. At the end of this period, you will have healthy, natural and permanent hair.
What Are The Advantages Of Hair Transplantation?
Hair transplantation provides people with the opportunity to have permanent and natural hair, while making them feel better in terms of aesthetics and psychology.
Some of the advantages of hair transplant operation are;
- It provides permanent and natural results compared to other hair treatment methods.
- The hair that grows after the operation is compatible with other hair and provides the most natural appearance.
- Although the spilled hair covers a large area, all the openings are closed thanks to the hair transplant operation.
- It is the most guaranteed treatment method among hair removal treatments worldwide.
- Hair transplantation can be applied to every woman and man over the age of 18 legally.
- Hair transplanted after hair transplantation is resistant to shedding and does not fall out again.
What Are The Disadvantages Of Hair Transplantation?
Although hair transplantation operations, which give more lush and natural permanent results for baldness and thinning hair, have high success rates worldwide, they also have some disadvantages. Considering the results obtained, these disadvantages remain acceptable.
Some of the most common disadvantages of hair transplant operations are;
- Since hair transplant operations require fine workmanship and dexterity, they are long operations in terms of processing time.
- The channels opened as a result of the hair transplantation process performed by an inexperienced doctor can become scars and there is a risk of scarring if not treated.
- Just as the hair transplant operation is long, getting results after the procedure is a long process. It is necessary to be patient during this process.
- The operation may fail if not performed with the correct method and equipment.
- The fact that the prices are a bit high in terms of cost is also a disadvantage for people.
- If the things that need to be considered after the operation are not done properly, the operation may fail.