DHI Hair Transplant

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Dhi Hair Transplantation (Direct Hair Implantation)

Hair loss occurs due to reasons such as stress, genetic factors, low quality of life and inadequate nutrition from the past to this day. Although the general judgment seems to be a medical and aesthetic problem experienced by men, hair loss is a common problem experienced by women. Today, thanks to medical and technological developments, hair loss has been solved by different methods.

One of them is DHI hair transplantation, “Direct Hair Implant”.

What Is Dhi Hair Transplant?

DHI hair transplant is called direct haır implants. It is preferred because it is more comfortable than other hair transplantation methods.

What Is Choı Medical Pen?

Choi medical pen is a very thin and pointed medical device, which, thanks to its special structure, hair follicles will be placed to choi medical pen then transplanted by pressing the special area behind it in the same way, without making any incisions.

Preparatıons Before Dhi Hair Transplantation?

  • It is necessary to take a break from blood thinners before hair transplant operations.
  • Alcohol and smoking should be stopped a few days before the operation.
  • The clinic should be informed about allergies, chronic diseases, and medications that are used continuously.
  • Before hair transplantation, women should avoid procedures such as hair dye and henna.
  • If there is eczema or similar diseases on the scalp, the specialist should be treated by a dermatologist.

What Are Dhi Hair Transplant Stages?

  • The region to be planted is determined and the necessary drawing is made by the expert.
  • After the donor area is determined, local anesthesia is applied to relax the hair follicles in the area.
  • Seeds of healthy hair follicles are taken from the area where local anesthesia is applied, from the right angle.
  • After inserting healthy seeds to special choi pen, Taken healthy hair root seeds are placed on the bald area
  • DHI hair transplantation must be done by Professional people who is expert in this procedure.
  • After the end of the sowing process, a control examination is performed after the first day after the procedure, as in other methods. Washing is done on the second day.

Recommendations After Dhi Hair Transplantation

Alcohol and cigarettes should not be used during the period determined by hair growth after hair transplantation.

  • Under no circumstances should pressure be applied to the transplanted area.
  • Care should be taken while lying down, and accessories such as hats and scarves should not be used except for the recommendation of the physician.
  • Prescribed drugs should be used in full.
  • You should not use the hair dryer until your doctor approves.
  • Until your doctor approves, you should not do heavy exercises and strenuous sports activities, you should eat fruit and vegetables and consume plenty of water.

How Long Is Dhi Hair Transplant Healing Time?

DHI hair transplant recovery time is much shorter than other methods. In dhı hair transplantation method, the patient is discharged on the same day. The day after the operation, patient will be able to return to work.

After the operation, seeds will grow in 10 days, after that in 2 months some of the seeds will start falling but its normal in that stage, after 3rd month the seeds will start growing.

After dhı haır transplantatıon, the time required to complete the hair transplantation stages varies from about 12 months, and at the end of this process, you have the chance to see the final state of your hair clearly.

What Are The Advantages Of Dhi Hair Transplant?

  • Who doesnt want to shave their hair, especially womens, this method is preferred.
  • Thanks to the special choı medical pen, the healing time is shorter as incisions and channels are not opened like other methods.
  • Since the incision and planting channels are not opened and the area to be treated is healthier, more frequent planting can be applied, which provides a more intense and aesthetic appearance in the next stage.
  • Since there are no shaving and cuts in the dhı haır transplant method, those who have transplanted have a faster and more comfortable recovery process.
  • It is an alternative method of not shaving, especially for women who do not want to shave their heads.

Who Are The People Who Cannot Have Dhi Hair Transplant?

People who cannot have dhı hair transplantation are those who have certain diseases. Hair transplantation is not applied to patients with these diseases, hepatitis c, aıds, lichen, pseudopelade.

Other people for whom dhı hair transplantation cannot be performed are chronic patients who have not reached a certain stage, and blood pressure and diabetes patients who are not given a doctor’s vote.

Since hair transplantation is a procedure performed with their own hair follicle seeds, hair transplantation cannot be performed on people who do not have sufficient and healthy hair follicle seeds.

DHI hair transplantation method is not recommended for people who have undergone more than 3 hair transplantation operations before and have not achieved results.

Finally, people under the age of 18 cannot legally undergo hair transplantation.

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