Beard Transplant
Beards, which are the most important facial accessories of men, experience problems such as shedding or thinning due to genetic predisposition or environmental factors. These thinning or spills, which are not aesthetically pleasing, make people psychologically unhappy. Thanks to the methods developed for many years, there is a permanent solution to this problem. Beard transplant operations take on the role of savior of people who have such problems. Your face will be reshaped thanks to beard transplantation, which is carried out using hair follicles on the nape, which is resistant to shedding.
How Is Beard Transplantation Performed?
Beard transplantation offers a permanent solution in case of problems such as genetic predisposition, environmental factors, scarring as a result of injuries and burns, loss or thinning of the beard due to problems such as infection. In case of careful planning and preliminary drawing, people can achieve the beard appearance they want thanks to the beard transplant operation. If beard transplantation, which consists of several stages, is done correctly and carefully, the desired result is achieved. Beard Transplantation consists of 4 stages;
- Control and planning; At this stage, the necessary blood tests of the people who will be transplanted are performed. As a result of the analysis, beard transplantation is planned with people who do not have an obstacle to beard transplantation. The purpose of the planning is to determine the area to be planted, how many roots are needed in the area, and the determination of the beard planting line forms the basis of the planning phase. The planning stage, which is as important as beard transplantation, ensures the most efficient result from beard transplantation.
- Application of local anesthesia; The first step for the beard transplantation process determined in line with the planning is the application of local anesthesia to the donor area and the area to be transplanted. Thanks to the local anesthesia applied, the patient does not feel any pain during the procedure. Local anesthesia, which is generally applied by injection, can also be done by giving sedated medication for patients who have fear of needles, and by going into sleep without loss of consciousness.
- Collecting the roots; Roots are collected for beard transplantation from the matched donor area with local anesthesia. The donor area is usually determined as the nape, which is genetically resistant to spills. Apart from the nape, if it is productive as a donor area in the neck region, root removal is also made from the neck. Except for the nape and neck, the favorite region can be selected as the donor area, but since this area is small in area, sufficient root number may not be obtained. Strong rooted hair suitable for the beard in the nape area is collected for beard transplantation. At this stage, unlike hair transplantation, thinner-tipped medical pens with a size of 0.6-0.7 mm suitable for the beard area are used. According to different application techniques, these roots are kept in special solutions or they are directly planted.
- Planting of roots; After the roots are collected, the planting phase is started. Planting the roots is the last stage of beard planting. At this stage, the hair follicles collected and preserved from the donor area are transplanted into the beard line determined during the planning phase. Unlike hair transplantation, it is done without opening the channels. Using special fine needle-tipped medical pens, the beards are opened at 35-45 degrees angles according to the direction of their growth. Roots are placed in these opened points. Thus, beard transplantation is completed. 1000-3000 roots can be planted at one time. This number is determined at the planning stage according to the yield of the donor area and the size of the area to be planted.
How Many Roots Are Used In Beard Transplantation?
1000-3000 roots can be planted at one time. This number is determined at the planning stage according to the yield of the donor area and the size of the area to be planted. The number of roots to be transplanted varies from person to person.
Do You Feel Pain In Beard Transplant?
Since local anesthesia is applied in the beard transplant operation, pain is not felt throughout the procedure. During the local anesthesia applied with 10-15 injections, a small pain may be felt in the first few injections, other than that, no other pain is felt throughout the procedure.
How Long Does Beard Transplantation Take?
Beard transplantation operations are not long operations like hair transplantation. It takes an average of 1-2 hours due to the smaller number of roots planted and the small areas of the planting area.
How Long Is The Beard Transplantation Recovery Time?
Within 15 days after the beard transplant operation, the canals shed by keeping a crust. The recovery period, which varies from person to person, will be shorter if you take care of yourself, eat well and use the medicines given by the specialist.
- Shock shedding is experienced in the first 1-3 months, so don’t worry, new beards will grow instead of spilled beards.
- Between 3-6 months, the beard begins to grow and can be shaved by cutting with scissors.
- Within 6-12 months, the final shape of your beard is determined permanently. Now you have more natural and fuller beards.
Who Is Beard Transplantation For?
- Those with very sparse beards.
- Those whose beards are not congenital or sparse.
- Those who have lost a part of their beard as a result of an accident.
- Those who experience beard loss in certain areas as a result of injury or burns.
- Persons who are over the age of 18, have completed their physical development and do not have a health problem that prevents beard transplantation.
- Those who want to have a fuller beard in terms of aesthetics.
What Are The Advantages Of Beard Transplantation?
- You will have more aesthetic and fuller beards.
- Since the transplanted area is small, the feeling of pain is very low.
- You can remove the scars caused by burns or injuries on your face by means of beard transplantation without having to carry it like a defect.
- You can achieve the beard model you want to have with beard transplantation.