The first question that comes to the mind of people who want to have a hair transplant is “Will I feel pain?” is the question. In general, since local anesthesia is applied in all hair transplantation operations, no pain is felt during the procedure. However, some people’s problems such as fear of needles, being uncomfortable at the sight of blood, and panicking cause them to have problems with general hair transplantation. Sleeping hair transplantation is applied as an alternative method that allows these people to have hair transplantation easily. In this way, you will not experience a situation that will require you to panic, as you will be asleep during the hair transplant operation. Since the muscles of the people will relax during sleep, the working environment of the expert and his team will be more comfortable. When the patient has a long procedure time, when he is bored or wants to move, he unwittingly prevents the specialist from working. In order to avoid such a problem, it becomes advantageous for the patient to be asleep both for himself and for the specialist. Some hair transplant procedures are performed in a few sessions because they take a long time. Thanks to sleep hair transplantation, the number of these sessions is reduced. For example, after the collection phase, hair transplantation can be started without a break. Since the hair transplant operation is a long process in terms of time, those who want to spend this time by sleeping wake up at the end of the process without noticing this long process. Patients and specialists who want to have a more comfortable operation can have healthy, natural and permanent hair by choosing the sleep hair transplant method.
What Is Sleep Hair Transplantation?
Hair transplant in sleep; It is the provision of light sleep without loss of consciousness thanks to the medicine given by the specialist physician before the hair transplantation process. The application is performed with sedation, that is, with oral medication or general anesthesia. Since the person is in a sleep state, he does not feel any pain, so he can comfortably complete the long procedure period in sleep. The only difference from other hair transplantation methods is that the patient is asleep. Apart from that, the method to be applied is performed in the same way. The stages of hair transplantation in sleep are as follows;
- Control and planning; At this stage, the patient’s general examination and analyzes are performed. If there is no health condition that prevents hair transplantation, the front hairline is determined and the average number of hair follicle seeds to be collected is determined.
- Application of general anesthesia; Before starting the general anesthesia application, the patient goes into a light sleep state without losing consciousness by giving oral or intravenous anesthesia to the patient.
- Collection of hair follicle seeds (graft); Hair follicle seeds are started to be collected from the donor area determined from the patient who is asleep. At the planning stage, as many hair follicle seeds are taken as deemed appropriate, this number varies.
- Placement of hair root seeds in canals; The collected hair follicle seeds are placed in the channels opened in the area to be transplanted. Thus, the sleep hair transplant operation is completed.
What Is Anesthesia?
Thanks to local or general anesthesia used in all surgical operations, it provides a comfortable operation without feeling any pain. Anesthesia applied by intravenous or airway is the state of partial or complete sleep of the person.
Anesthesia word; The word “estesia”, which means “sense” in Latin, means “insensitivity” by taking the negative suffix “an”.
What Is Sedo-Analgesia?
Sedation, that is, sleepiness and alnelgesia, is a form of anesthesia that provides relief from pain. Sedoanelgesia, which is an important application, should be applied by experts. This method, which is used in many medical surgical procedures, has recently been used in hair transplant operations. It provides an important convenience for patient comfort and for the working physician and his team.
Before Sleeping Hair Transplant
- One week before the hair transplant operation, the use of blood thinners such as aspirin should be discontinued.
- You should stop products such as alcohol and cigarettes when your doctor tells you.
- The use of diuretic drugs should be stopped 3 days before.
- You should not eat or drink anything for at least 6 hours before the operation.
- Before hair transplantation, you must sleep and rest for at least 8 hours.
- You should remove items such as glasses, lenses and hearing aids during the procedure.
- You should have all the necessary analyzes done before the operation.
After Sleeping Hair Transplant
- The first examination and first wash after hair transplantation should be done by a specialist.
- After the operation, you should lie on your back with at least 2 raised pillows until the time your doctor tells you to, thus preventing the formation of edema.
- After hair transplantation, you should use the drugs given by the specialist completely.
- After the hair transplant operation, the transplanted area should not be touched by hand and pressure should not be applied.
- Do not use products other than shampoo and care products recommended by your doctor.
- Do not dry your hair with a towel after washing, if your doctor recommends it, you can use a warm hair dryer.
- Do not use cigarettes or alcohol for the period determined by the specialist after the hair transplant operation. If you use it, your recovery time will be longer.
- Avoid humid environments such as the sea, Turkish bath, sauna for the first 15 days after hair transplantation.
- Do not do heavy sports and exercises after the operation, you should keep your head upright as much as possible.
- Since the operation is performed under general anesthesia, you may experience problems such as nausea and vomiting for a while.
What Are The Advantages Of Sleeping Hair Transplantation?
- Those who are afraid of blood and needles will not have a problem as they will be asleep during the procedure.
- Although this time varies in different methods, the patient does not feel the length of this period as he will be asleep for 4-10 hours.
- The specialist can work more comfortably because the muscles are in a relaxed state.
- Since you are asleep with anesthesia, no pain is felt during the operation.
What Are The Disadvantages Of Sleeping Hair Transplantation?
- The only disadvantage of sleep hair transplantation is that after the anesthesia applied for the procedure, problems such as vomiting or nausea are experienced for its removal from the body.