Hair transplantation is the way for those who suffer from hair loss and baldness due to genetic predisposition or environmental factors to regain their hairy appearance with natural and permanent hair transplantation methods. Thanks to hair transplantation procedures, the person can easily and naturally regain his old-haired appearance. With the developing technology, very successful hair transplantation methods are applied today. Changes are made in the methods applied according to the hair and face structure of the person, personal preferences, and skin structure of the balding area. Regardless of the method used today, hair transplantation operations are 99 percent successful. At this point, it is very important to choose the right specialist and clinic in order to achieve the most natural and permanent result. Thanks to the expert person and his team, it is possible to have hair permanently without any risk. Thanks to the right specialist selection, the success rate of hair transplantation will be high, so there is no need for a second operation.

Who is Hair Transplantation Applied To?

The conditions required for the implementation of the hair transplant operation are;

Causes Of Hair Loss?

One of the most important causes of hair loss is genetic predisposition and hereditary reasons. If people have a family history of baldness, it may cause hair loss. Apart from genetic factors, environmental factors are among the important causes of hair loss. Unhealthy diet, stress, sadness, air pollution, use of wrong hair products, frequent procedures are among the environmental factors. Medications used for chronic diseases can cause hair loss. In women, hormonal changes with childbirth and menopause cause female hair loss. In addition, injuries and regional hair loss are experienced as a result of accidents.

What Are The Methods Used in Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation operations, which were first started to be performed experimentally in the 1930s, are now 99 percent successful thanks to advanced applications. Thanks to the developing technology and medical innovations, different methods of hair transplantation are performed using different equipment. The hair transplantation methods applied are determined according to the needs of the person. Before the hair transplant operation, during the first examination, the hair and head structure of the person is examined and the method to be applied in hair transplantation is determined according to the face type, the structure of the other hair, the size of the balding area, and the scalp. Firstly, the FUT method was started to be applied. In this method, the hairy structure is taken from the donor area as a strip and placed in the area to be transplanted. However, this method is no longer preferred due to the fact that a horizontal scar remains. The FUE method, which was started to be applied afterward, is one of the most common methods. In this method, the donor area is usually determined as the nape area that is resistant to spills. Hair follicle seeds are collected from the donor area with special medical instruments. The collected seeds are placed in the channels opened in the area to be transplanted and the process is completed. In DHI hair transplantation method, which is one of the most preferred methods recently, completely unshaven or partially shaved hair transplantation operation is performed. Unlike the FUE method, there is no grooving process in the DHI hair transplant method, which is preferred by women especially because of the lack of shaving. With this method, the seeds of hair follicles collected with a special medical pen are transferred directly to the bald area without opening the canal. Apart from these methods, sapphire FUE, Ice FUE, unshaven hair transplantation and sleep hair transplantation methods are among the methods applied.

How is The Hairline Determined For Hair Transplantation?

The hairline provides a personal appearance. In some people, this anatomical structure is behind, while in some people the hairline is closer to the forehead area. The most important point in the hair transplant operation is the correct determination of the hairline so that the transplant process looks natural. The face type of the person, the state of the hair before shedding, the structure of the hair, the location of the forehead muscles, the appearance of the balding skin are the most important points in determining the hair transplant line.

Hair Loss After Hair Transplant

After the hair transplant operation, the planted hair follicle seeds begin to shed within a few weeks. These spills continue in 3-4 months. This is called shock shedding. These spills are very normal, don’t let this worry you. Within 4 to 6 months, the shed hair starts to grow back. After 12 to 18 months, a permanent appearance is achieved.

What Are The Risks in Hair Transplant Operation?

As with all medical operations, there is a risk in hair transplantation. However, there is not as much risk as in other transactions. If the hair transplant operation is performed by a specialist doctor and team, this risk rate is very low. However, there is a risk of infection in procedures that are not performed by a doctor who is not a specialist and in a hospital or clinic setting. Since hair transplantation is performed by opening channels, even if there are small wounds, if necessary disinfection measures are not taken, the wounds may become infected, swelling and inflammation may occur. In addition, applications made incorrectly by a non-specialist may not give the expected result and the direction of hair growth may be different. For this reason, it may be necessary to have a hair transplant procedure again.

Does The Transplanted Hair Look Natural After Hair Transplantation?

As a result of the hair transplantation operation performed with a doctor and his team who are experts in hair transplantation, the newly grown hair looks natural after it grows. If the right hairline is determined and the right number of hair follicle seeds are planted, the hair transplant process will be quite natural and permanent.

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