Contrary to what is known, hair transplantation procedures are not only applied to men. Hair transplant operation is also applied to women who need hair loss. Although there is less hair loss compared to men, 30% of women have hair loss and regional baldness. Aesthetically, hair loss is a very difficult situation for women. Women who have psychological self-confidence problems find a solution to this problem thanks to hair transplantation methods. Thanks to the new methods applied, hair transplantation is performed without shaving. Thanks to the unshaven hair transplantation method, you can return to your social life with natural and permanent hair in a short time before it is understood that the hair transplantation has been done, and you can continue your life with self-confidence by getting rid of the aesthetic concerns you experience.

What are the causes of hair loss in women?

Although hair loss in women is much less than in men, 1 out of every 3 women has hair loss problem. In addition to genetic predisposition, hair loss, which has many different causes, finds a solution thanks to hair transplantation operation. Medical conditions other than genetic predisposition cause hair loss. Medical conditions that cause hair loss are;

Hair transplantation methods applied in women

All hair transplantation methods applied today can actually be applied to women. There is no harm in this in terms of health and medicine. However, shaved hair transplantation methods applied to men in terms of aesthetics are not pleasant for women. Unshaven or partially shaved hair transplantation method is applied for women in order not to experience any other aesthetic concerns during the hair transplantation process, which is requested due to aesthetic concerns.

Fue method: Fue method, which is among the most widely applied hair transplantation methods, is applied for women. Partial shaving is also applied in the method. Since local anesthesia is applied before the procedure, no pain is felt. Usually, a sufficient area is shaved from the nape of the hair and the seeds of the hair follicles needed for hair transplantation are collected from the area. Since the hair on the upper parts will cover the shaved area, it does not cause any aesthetic problems. The collected hair follicle seeds are placed in the area where the spills occur by opening small channels and the planting is completed.

DHI method: DHI hair transplantation method, which has become popular among hair transplantation methods recently, is preferred especially among women. It is preferred because there is no shaving in the process. In the DHI hair transplantation method, hair follicle seeds are collected from the donor area, where local anesthesia is applied, thanks to a special medical pen. The collected hair root seeds are planted by pressing lightly on the bald area with the help of the same pen, without waiting.

Before hair transplantation

There are some points to be considered before hair transplantation. These points will make it easier for you to get the hair transplant result you expect.

Difference of hair transplant in women compared to men

Although hair transplantation operations are often preferred by men, the rate of preference by women has been increasing recently. In general, hair transplantation operations are performed by shaving all the hair. This situation is changing with the new methods developed and medical innovations. Since unshaven hair transplantation is provided in new methods, it is applied by women without any aesthetic concerns. The most obvious difference between female hair transplantation and male hair transplantation is the use of unshaven method in female hair transplantation. In this way, women have hair transplantation without experiencing any aesthetic problems and return to their social lives in a short time without knowing that they have had hair transplantation.

After hair transplantation

In hair transplantation for women, as in other hair transplantation procedures, there are some things to be considered afterward. In order for your hair transplant operation to be healthy and permanent, it will be in your best interest to pay attention to these points. What you need to pay attention to after your hair transplant process;


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