Hair Transplant
With the developing technology recently, the hair transplantation process in women is increasing at a remarkable level. While hair is our most important visual accessory for every individual, this is much more important aesthetically for women. Hair loss and hair loss experienced in men as well as women, thanks to the hair transplant operation offers a natural and permanent solution. Thanks to hair transplantation, it is possible to have new healthy and natural hair without any negative aesthetic situation. Since unshaven hair transplantation methods are applied in women, there is no visual problem. Thanks to the unshaven hair transplant operation, you can return to your social life in a short time without knowing that you have had a hair transplant.
Unshaven Hair Transplant
Women do not often prefer hair transplant operations due to aesthetic concerns. However, with the developing medical and technological innovations, hair transplantation methods suitable for women are being developed. In this way, hair transplantation can be performed without shaving and without an aesthetic problem.
What Are The Causes Of Hair Loss In Women?
The causes of hair loss and hair loss in women in general are;
- Genetic factors, hereditary problems from the family cause hair loss.
- Another reason is environmental factors. Problems such as sadness and stress in daily life can cause hair loss.
- Some drugs used for chronic diseases may cause hair loss.
- Women who have reached a certain age may experience hair loss as they enter menopause.
- Hair loss may increase with hormonal changes, especially starting with pregnancy.
- B12 deficiency, iron deficiency and anemia cause hair loss in women.
Hair Loss Examination And Diagnosis
Hair loss in men and women has similar characteristics and the underlying cause is different in many people. While hair loss is experienced due to genetic predispositions or environmental factors, hair loss occurs as a result of accident. Detection of hair loss in women is easier and more obvious due to long hair. When the suspicion of hair loss becomes visible, a specialist should be consulted and a hair transplant operation should be performed with a proper planning as a result of the correct diagnosis.
Success Rate Of Hair Transplantation In Women
FUE and DHI hair transplantation methods used in female hair transplantation operations are very successful methods in women as well as in men. The hair transplant operation, which is applied with an experienced specialist and his team, gives 99 percent successful and permanent results.
Hair Transplantation Methods In Women
Hair transplantation methods applied by shaving are not preferred in women due to aesthetic concerns. For this reason, methods suitable for unshaven hair transplantation are applied to women, unlike men. Hair transplantation methods applied to women are;
- The first stage begins with the identification of the donor area.
- Local anesthesia is applied to the determined donor area.
- Hair follicle seeds are started to be collected from the anesthetized area.
- Since hair root seeds are taken from the nape, other long hair will naturally cover that area and there will be no aesthetic problem.
- Local anesthesia is applied to the area where hair transplantation will be performed and channels are opened for transplantation.
- Collected hair follicle seeds are placed in the opened channels and the process is completed.
Dhi Hair Transplantation Method
DHI, which is the most preferred method among hair transplantation methods for women, ie direct hair transplantation method, shaving is not applied during the application. In this method, a medical pen called a special choi is used. Fue hair transplantation stages are almost the same. The only difference is that in this method, the channel is not opened for the placement of the hair root seed. Instead, the taken hair root seed is placed in the place to be planted by applying light pressure with a choi medical pen. Since the canal is not opened in this method, the recovery time is shorter. In the DHI hair transplant method, the donor area is shaved in some cases, while in some cases no shaving is applied.
Hair Transplant Sessions For Women
Hair transplantation for women is generally performed as a single session. There is no need to stay in the hospital or clinic after the hair transplant operation. Since hair transplant operations in women are performed on smaller areas, it takes a shorter time both in terms of operation time and by taking sessions. 1 or 2 days after hair transplantation, you should contact your specialist for control purposes and for the first wash.
After Hair Transplantation In Women
After the hair suction operation, some points need to be considered. Things to consider after hair transplantation;
- After the hair transplant operation, hand contact and pressure should not be applied to the transplanted area.
- After hair transplantation, accessories such as shawls, hats, berets should not be used until your doctor recommends it.
- After the hair transplant operation, the drugs given by the specialist should be used completely.
- At the night of hair transplantation, it is necessary to lie on the back with an angle of 45 degrees, this prevents the formation of edema.
- Very light bleeding may occur after the procedure, this is normal. After a while, these wounds will crust over and flake off in the form of dandruff.
- After the hair transplant procedure, the pool, sea, sauna and Turkish bath should be avoided for at least 15 days.
- After the hair transplant operation, hair dyeing should not be done until your doctor approves.
- Creams and lotions recommended by the specialist should be used with care after the procedure.
- Do not take a bath yourself until the specialist recommends it.
- Do not apply heat treatments such as blow dryer and tongs for a while after the hair transplant operation.
- Do not use alcohol and cigarettes until your doctor recommends it.
- Local anesthesia applied in hair transplantation may cause headache, so do not go on a long car journey on the same day.
- Sudden shedding may occur for 3 months after the hair transplant operation, this is normal, then the hair will grow back and you can achieve permanent results within 12 to 18 months.