Hair transplantation is a natural and permanent solution to the problem of thinning and baldness in people who experience hair loss or hair loss. The process of transferring the hair root seed to the area where the hair follicle is not active, baldness or thinning occurs with micro-surgical methods is called hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is planned individually and hair follicle seeds are taken from areas that are resistant to shedding, such as the nape, and hair follicles are transplanted with different methods by the person and his team who grow to the area with baldness or sparseness. With this application, it is aimed to have permanent and healthy hair as if their own hair has never been lost, both medically and aesthetically.

The same planting method is applied not only in the scalp area, but also for unwanted spills in areas such as eyebrows, mustache and beard.

Why Hair Loss?

One of the most important causes of hair loss is genetic factors, that is, if there is baldness in the family, there is a possibility of thinning or baldness in the person. However, genetic factor is not the only reason, besides, hair loss may occur as a result of advancing age, injuries, various medical disorders, some medications used, stress, malnutrition.

What Is Hair Root?

The hair follicle is the bottom part of the hair that is embedded in the fat tissue in the skull and surrounded by hair-producing cells.

Hair root seed (graft) is the structure extracted from the scalp where the root of the hair is located. Each hair root seed (graft) has at least one and at most 5 hair follicles. hair root seeds are taken from the donor area and transferred to the area where hair transplantation will be applied. The hair root seed needed for each person may differ.

Hair Structure And What Are The Hair Structure Types?

Who Is Applıed To Hair Transplant?

Today, 50% of men over the age of 50 are faced with the problem of hair loss or thinning. Therefore, even if men prefer cosmetic surgery more, it is not just a procedure specific to them, it is also preferred by women who need it. Men and women who want to have a hair transplant;

To Whom Hair Transplantatıon Cannot Be Applied

People Who Are Not Suitable For Hair Transplantation Can Be Listed As Follows;

Before Hair Transplant

Before the procedure, the stages of examination, blood analysis, determination of the natural hairline, determination of the areas to be harvested and planted are applied. At the same time, the patient should quit smoking, coffee, alcohol and blood thinners within the period determined by the doctor, starting before the operation.

What Are The Hair Transplant Operatıon Stages?

Hair Transplantatıon Methods

Which method will be preferred is decided together after the hair and scalp analysis, taking into account the priorities of the person. Although the FUE method, which does not leave any traces, is preferred most of the time, Hair transplantation can be applied not only for baldness but also to increase hair density in thinned areas. IN SUCH CASES, DHI method is generally preferred.

Other factors such as hair color, degree of hardness, wavy and bushyness also affect the result of the procedure. The methods applied in this direction;

Follicular Unit Extraction (Fue)

Fue Method Is The Most Preferred Haır Transplant Method. It is generally preferred in hair transplants on large areas. The need for the bald area is determined beforehand and the application is made after the necessary examinations are made.

Approximately 6000 hair follicle seeds can be collected from the donor area in one session, the procedure is usually performed in a single session, but a second session may be required depending on the bald area. If it is carried out by a professional team, there will be no traces and infection, bleeding, etc. The risks are quite low.

It is a method that can be applied to women as well as men.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (Fut)

Since FUT is an old technology, it is no longer preferred. In this method, the hair is taken and planted in strips, not as a hair root seed (graft). Since it is a surgical method, the risk of bleeding is quite high. However, success rates are lower. One of the most important disadvantages is that there is a horizontal line in the planting area. Fut is an old transplant method, dhi and fue are used with developing Technologies.

Direct Hair Implantation (Dhı)

DHI is one of the most preferred methods for hair transplantation to be done between hair or in a narrow area. Thanks to the pen, which has a hollow and springy mechanism called special choI, the hair root seeds (grafts) are pushed into the scalp. This method may not be suitable for every patient. Therefore, a decision should be made based on hair analysis and the patient’s treatment history.

The biggest advantage of this method is that the hair that needs to be scraped for hair transplantation It is possible to apply the hair in the transplantation area without shaving.

Especially, it causes women to prefer it in terms of aesthetics.

Direct Hair Implantation And Follicular Unit Extraction (Mixed Hair Transplantation)

In some special cases, hair transplantation is performed by using these two methods together to get a better result.

After Hair Transplant

It may differ according to the methods applied after hair transplantation.

After hair transplantation, the donor area remains wrapped with a bandage for the period determined by the doctor, and the transplanted area is left open so that it is not exposed to any pressure.

After the operation, seeds will grow in 10 days, after that in 2 months some of the seeds will start falling but its normal in that stage, after 3rd month the seeds will start growing.

Hair Transplantation In Men

In the treatment of haır transplant, especially the number of men is higher than women. Due to reasons such as genetic predisposition, environmental factors, nutritional stress, sparseness or baldness is more common in men. Men who are uncomfortable in terms of aesthetics as well as medical conditions apply for hair transplant treatment.

If the hair loss is not intense yet, the problem can be solved or postponed with medical methods. However, in cases of heavy shedding and baldness, hair transplantation is the surest and natural solution. Waiting for the hair to fall out completely is one of the biggest mistakes. In this case, more hair follicle seeds (grafts) need to be planted and success rates may decrease depending on age.

Different methods can be applied according to the size of the open area in male hair transplantation. The most preferred methods are DHI or FUE method. Permanent results are achieved in 1 to 3 sessions

It is a permanent solution with hair transplant operation.

Hair Transplant In Women

Although not as much as men, women now resort to hair transplantation. Hair transplantation for women is the same as for men.

Hair loss in women is a process that starts with puberty, environmental factors and unlike men, women’s hair loss process progresses faster. The main causes of hair loss in women are;

These reasons may differ for everyone. The only difference in hair transplantation methods for men and women is that women do not shave during the transplantation process. The most preferred hair transplant area for women is forehead reduction. The spills that occur in the forehead area due to certain reasons are the reason why women prefer the forehead reduction process more aesthetically.

How Should Hair Transplantatıon Be?

After hair transplantation, the direction of hair transplantation is very important in terms of natural appearance. Things to consider during hair transplantation;

The angles of the channels should be the same as the direction of the hair in the area to be transplanted.

The angle of the channels should be placed at 30 or 45 degree angles according to the region where the roots will be located, so that a natural appearance is formed when the hair comes out in the later process.

Does the transplanted hair fall out?

After a certain period of hair transplant treatment, the hair falls out, but this is a normal situation. The shed hair grows back after 3-4 months. In line with the applied method and the experience of the practitioner, hair transplant treatment is a permanent method. However, at the end of the procedure performed by some non-experts, It may be necessary to perform a procedure again after a certain period of time due to reasons such as not being aesthetic and the application not being healthy.

The hair we planted in the area that we planted is the strongest hair follicles in our donor area and transferred to the empty area. In this sense, the transplanted hair is the strongest and best quality hair.  Normally, the transplanted hair grows for the first 10 days, then some or all of it falls out until the 2nd month and from the 3rd month the transplanted hair starts to grow.

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